Specializing In: Search Consultant for Executive Employment
Lonna's background is a Generalist. She works very diligently with her client companies and gets to know the entire organization. In doing so she crosses over interdepartmentally and assists the organization in all of their specialized searches. This has given her the ability to be a direct liaison representing her companies. Her vast experience has provided a broadspectrum of knowledge helping potential employees see the benefits of joining these excellent organizations. The areas of her expertise are:
Accounting & IT
Consumer Products
Human Resources
Freight Forwarding
Import/Export Logistics
Manufacturing Engineering
Manufacturing Operations
Product Management
Sales & Marketing
Supply Chain Management
Having spent over 20 years in the transportation and logistics industries along with extensive involvement with consumer products and manufacturing, I have found my love - helping candidates find outstanding career growth opportunities and helping my client companies find that outstanding talent to contribute to their growth. After 11 years of recruiting my focus is on the needs and interests of both my client companies and candidates. The more specialized the search the more exciting the challenge to create a good fit. Brought to the recruiting process each time is my passion for honesty, integrity, ethics and hard work. Good matches do not happen over the internet or on resumes. They happen when a talented recruiter does their job well with enthusiasm and personal commitment to find candidates who are motivated by the right reasons to seriously consider a new career growth opportunity.